Past Shows

All Stars Project Inc

Cougar The Musical


Coming soon…

All Stars Project Inc

Gidion’s Knot

Benefiting Drawing and Talking

Over the course of a parent/teacher conference, a grieving mother and an emotionally overwhelmed primary school teacher have a fraught conversation about the tragic suicide of the mother’s son, Gidion. Gidion may have been bullied severely—or he may have been an abuser.

Johnna Adams

Director: David E. Shane

Starring: Nicola Bertram, Laura King Otazo

All Stars Project Inc

2071: The World We’ll Leave Our Grandchildren


by Duncan MacMillan & Chris Rapley

The play is in Rapley’s voice and was first performed by him in 2014 at the Royal Court Theatre, London. The piece is partially a memoir of Rapley’s life and career and partially an explanation of climate change and of the controversies surrounding it. The title, 2071, is the year in which Rapley’s oldest grandchild will be 67 years old, which was Rapley’s age when he first performed it in 2014.

All Stars Project Inc

Here Comes Frieda

Through HERE COMES FRIEDA we aim to help bring a more diverse array of voices to the world of filmmaking. Alongside the production of the film, we are launching an apprenticeship program. Five teenagers, all young people of color, will have the opportunity to learn the craft of filmmaking first hand
All Stars Project Inc

She has a Name

by Andrew Kooman

Benefitting GEMS.

Currently, there are an estimated 27 million slaves in the world today. That’s the highest recorded number of slaves in history.

Human trafficking has been identified as the largest human rights violation in the history of mankind. Human trafficking is the second largest criminal enterprise in the world, after drug smuggling and arms dealing.

We will show how Human Trafficking occurs as a global epidemic in the production of Andrew Kooman’s SHE HAS A NAME, followed by an educational, talk-back conversation with audiences including the following organizations: Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, RestoreNYC, and Braking The Silence as well as a distinguished Psychotherapists. Audiences in this Off-Broadway production will leave being fully aware of the scope of this global-horror and what can be done to prevent it and to support victims. A percentage of Box Office Proceeds will benefit these organizations.

Synopsis: The two main characters are a young lawyer; and Number 18, a young female prostitute who claims to be fifteen years old and has been a prostitute for six years. The drama centers on his infiltration of a brothel ring that is trafficking girls. The lawyer comes to believe that Number 18 could be a key witness to a human trafficking incident and tries to gain her trust and persuade her to testify against the ring. The victimized child in the play is known only by the number 18 to reflect that traffickers often dehumanize their victims by giving them a new name or simply a number.

All Stars Project Inc

The Adding Machine

by Elmer Rice

Benefitting Safe Horizon.

Synopsis: The author of this play takes us through Mr. Zero’s trial, execution, excursion and arrest going into the afterlife. During the whole series of this episodic journey Mr. Zero is surprisingly oblivious to his deepest needs, wants and desires. The story focuses on Mr. Zero, an accountant at a large, faceless company. After 25 years at his job, he discovers that he will be replaced by an adding machine. In anger and pain, he snaps and kills his boss. Mr. Zero is then tried for murder, is found guilty and hanged. He wakes up in a heaven-like setting known as the “Elysian Fields.” Mr. Zero meets a man named Shrdlu, then begins to operate an adding machine until Lieutenant Charles, the boss of the Elysian Fields, comes to tell Zero that he is a waste of space and his soul is going to be sent back to the earth to be reused. The play ends with Zero following a very attractive girl named Hope (who may not actually exist) off stage.

All Stars Project Inc


by Mark Schultz

Benefitting Gilda’s Club NYC.

Synopsis: The plight of nine characters dealing with or preparing for the end. All immersed in the guilt of choosing their own suffering above others.

All Stars Project Inc

Twelfth Night

by William Shakespeare

Benefitting Freedom To Marry.

Synopsis: The play centres on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck. Viola (who is disguised as Cesario) falls in love with Duke Orsino, who in turn is in love with the Countess Olivia. Upon meeting Viola, Countess Olivia falls in love with her thinking she is a man.

All Stars Project Inc

Waiting For Lefty

by Clifford Odets

Benefitting League of Women Voters.

Synopsis: The play is composed of seven related vignettes. The entire play is framed by the meeting of cab drivers who are planning a labor strike. The framing uses the audience as part of the meeting.

All Stars Project Inc

Tea and Sympathy

by Robert Anderson

Benefitting The Trevor Project.

Synopsis: A 1953 stage play in three acts about a male private school student, Tom Lee, who faces accusations of homosexuality. A woman, Laura, who is married to an instructor, opposes the students’ shaming of Lee and romantically pursues him so he can prove that he has a masculine character

All Stars Project Inc

Taming of the Shrew

by William Shakespeare

Benefitting Paradigm Shift NYC.

Synopsis: The main plot depicts the courtship of Petruchio and Katherina, the headstrong, obdurate shrew. Initially, Katherina is an unwilling participant in the relationship; however, Petruchio “tames” her with various psychological torments, such as keeping her from eating and drinking, until she becomes a desirable, compliant, and obedient bride.